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Tag: elastic beanstalk
Where Is It 5 O’Clock Pt: 2
So I spend the evening deploying this web application to Amazon Web Services. In my test environment, everything appeared to be working great because every time I reloaded the page it reloaded the function as well.
When I transferred this over to a live environment I realized the Python function only ran every time I committed a change and it was re-deployed to my Elastic Beanstalk environment.
This poses a new problem. If the function doesn’t fire every time the page is refreshed the time won’t properly update and it will show incorrect areas of where it is 5 O’Clock. Ugh.
So, over the next few weeks, in my spare time, I will be re-writing this entire application to function the way I intended it to.
I think to do this I will write each function as an AWS Lambda function and then write a frontend that calls these functions on page load. Or, the entire thing will be one function and return the information and it will deploy in one API call.
I also really want to display a map that shows the areas that it is 5PM or later but I think this will come in a later revision once the project is actually functioning correctly. Along with some more CSS to make it pretty and responsive so it works on all devices.
The punch list is getting long…
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