Tag: lambda

  • Where Is It 5 O’Clock Pt: 2

    So I spend the evening deploying this web application to Amazon Web Services. In my test environment, everything appeared to be working great because every time I reloaded the page it reloaded the function as well. When I transferred this over to a live environment I realized the Python function only ran every time I…

  • EC2 Action Slack Notification

    I took a brief break from my Lambda function creation journey to go on vacation but, now i’m back! This function will notify a Slack channel of your choosing when an EC2 instance enters “Starting, Stopping, Stopped, or Shutting-Down” status. I thought this might be useful for instances that reside under a load balancer. It…

  • Check EC2 Instance Tags on Launch

    In my ever-growing quest to automate my AWS infrastructure deployments, I realized that just checking my tags wasn’t good enough. I should force myself to put tags in otherwise my instances won’t launch at all. I find this particularly useful because I utilize AWS Backup to do automated snapshots nightly of all of my instances.…

  • Lambda Function Post to Slack

    I wrote this script out of a need to practice my Python skills. The idea is that if a file gets uploaded to an S3 bucket then the function will trigger and a message with that file name will be posted to a Slack channel of your choosing. To utilize this you will need to…