Tag: discord

  • Adding a reminder feature to Discord

    As many of you know, I released my Discord Bot Framework the other week. This has prompted me to put sometime into developing new features for the bot’s I manage.

    I’ve always been a fan of the “remind” functionality that many Reddit communities have. In my Discord, we are often sending media content that I want to watch but don’t want to forget about. Hence the need for the command “!remind”. Surprisingly this was pretty simple code. Take a look below for the functionality I created.

    async def remind(ctx, duration: str):
            # Parse the duration (e.g., "10s" for 10 seconds, "5m" for 5 minutes, "1h" for 1 hour)
            time_units = {'s': 1, 'm': 60, 'h': 3600}
            time_value = int(duration[:-1])
            time_unit = duration[-1]
            if time_unit not in time_units:
                await ctx.send("Invalid time format! Use s (seconds), m (minutes), or h (hours).")
            delay = time_value * time_units[time_unit]
            # Check if the command is a reply to another message
            if ctx.message.reference and ctx.message.reference.resolved:
                # Get the replied message
                replied_message = ctx.message.reference.resolved
                message_link = f"https://discord.com/channels/{ctx.guild.id}/{ctx.channel.id}/{replied_message.id}"
                await ctx.send("Please reply to a message you want to be reminded about.")
            await ctx.send(f"Okay, I will remind you in {duration} to check out the message you referenced: {message_link}")
            # Wait for the specified duration
            await asyncio.sleep(delay)
            # Send a reminder message with the link to the original message
            await ctx.send(f"{ctx.author.mention}, it's time to check out your message! Here is the link: {message_link}")
        except ValueError:
            await ctx.send("Invalid time format! Use a number followed by s (seconds), m (minutes), or h (hours).")

    Feel free to utilize this code and add it to your own Discord bot! As always, if this code is helpful please share it with your friends or on your own social media!

  • The Discord Bot Framework

    I’m happy to announce the release of my Discord Bot Framework. A tool that I’ve spent a considerable amount of time working on to help people build and deploy Discord Bots quickly within AWS.

    Let me first start off by saying I’ve never released a product. I’ve run a service business and I’m a consultant but I’ve never been a product developer. This release marks my first codebase that I’ve packaged and put together for developers and hobbyists to utilize.

    So let’s talk about what this framework does. First and foremost it is not a fully working bot. There are pre-requisites that you must accomplish. The framework holds some example code for commands and message context responses which should be enough to get any Python developer started on building their bot. The framework also includes all of the required Terraform to deploy the bot within AWS.

    When you launch the Terraform it will build a Docker image for you and deploy that image to ECR as well as launch the container within AWS Fargate. All of this lives behind a load balancer so that you can scale your bot’s resources as needed although I haven’t seen a Discord bot ever require that many resources!

    I plan on supporting this project personally and providing support via email for the time being for anyone who purchases the framework.

    – GitHub Actions template for CI/CD
    – More Bot example code for commands
    – Bolt on packages for new functionality

    I hope that this framework helps people get started on building bots for Discord. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me at anytime!

    The Discord Bot Framework Product Page

  • Convert Spotify Links to Youtube Links

    In a continuation of my Discord Bot feature deployment, I found a need to convert Spotify links to YouTube links. I use Youtube music for my music streaming needs and the rest of the Discord uses Spotify.

    With the help of ChatGPT, I created a script that converts Spotify links to Youtube links! This utilizes both the Spotify API and Youtube APIs to grab track information and format search queries to return a relevant Youtube link.

    The code consists of two primary functions which I have shared below. One to get the artist and track names and another to query YouTube. Combined, we can return a YouTube link to a multitude of applications.

    def get_spotify_track_info(spotify_url):
        track_id = sp.track(spotify_url)['id']
        track_info = sp.track(track_id)
        return {
            'name': track_info['name'],
            'artists': [artist['name'] for artist in track_info['artists']]
    def search_youtube_video(track_info):
        search_query = f"{track_info['name']} {track_info['artists'][0]} official video"
        request = youtube.search().list(q=search_query, part='snippet', type='video', maxResults=1)
        response = request.execute()
        video_id = response['items'][0]['id']['videoId']
        return f"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v={video_id}"

    I took this code and incorporated it into my Discord bot so that anytime a user posts a Spotify link it will automatically convert it to a Youtube link. Here is an example:

    If you want to utilize this code check out the Github link below. As always, if you found this article helpful please share it across your social media.

    Github – https://github.com/avansledright/spotify-to-youtube

  • Building a Discord Bot with Python and AWS

    I’m a member of a lot of Discord servers. The one I participate in most is one with my brothers and our friends. In this server, we joke around a lot about people posting off-topic messages in the various text channels and we give them fake “warnings”. I decided to take this a step further and create a bot where we could track the warnings and then present them in a leaderboard.

    The Discord bot API documentation is great and allowed me to quickly get a proof of concept up and running. I then relied on my Python, Terraform, and AWS skills to get the bot up and running quickly. Below is a simple architecture diagram that I started and will most likely be adding to as the members of the server request more features.

    We have three current commands, !warning, !feature, !leaderboard. The !warning command takes input of a tagged user. It then uses the Boto3 library for Python and adds the attribute to the user in the table. Here is the code:

    # Adds an attribute to a user
        def add_warning_to_user(username, attribute):
            client = boto3.resource("dynamodb", region_name="us-west-2",
            table = client.Table(table_name)
            print("adding", attribute, "to", str(username))
                response = table.update_item(
                    Key={'username': str(username)},
                    AttributeUpdates={attribute: {
                        'Value': str(dynamodb.get_warning_count_of_user(username, attribute) + 1)
            except ClientError as e:
                print("Failed to update count")
                return False
            return True

    I have another function within this code that will call out to the DynamoDB table and gets the user’s current value so that we can increment the count.

    The !leaderboard command takes input of an “attribute” I built it this way so that we can have future attributes added to users without having to rebuild everything from scratch. To get the data I used the DynamoDB scan function to retrieve all of the data for all the users and then filter within the Python application on just the attribute that we are requesting the leaderboard for. I then have a function that formats the leaderboard into something that the bot can publish back to the server.

        def create_table(data, attribute):
            if attribute == "warning_count":
                attribute = "Warnings"
            table = ""
            rows = []
            rows.append("``` ")
            rows.append(f"{attribute}: Leaderboard")
            for key, value in data.items():
                rows.append(f"{key}: {str(value)}")
            rows.append("``` ")
            for row in rows:
                table += " " + row + "\n "
            return table

    This code I want to revisit to make the formatting cleaner as the list gets longer. But for now it works as intended.

    The last function I created so that the users could submit feature requests. The code is very simple and the command !feature takes the input of all text following the command and passes it to an SNS function I wrote which sends an email to me containing the user’s feature request. I have hopes that I can transition this to create some sort of Jira task or other workflow. Below is the bot’s code to handle this interaction:

    @client.command(name="feature", help="sends a feature request")
    async def send_feature_request(ctx, *, args):
        print("THIS IS THE FEATURE REQUEST", args)
        if sns.send_message(args) == True:
            await ctx.send("Your request has been sent")
            await ctx.send("Failed to send your request. Plz try again later.")

    Right now the bot is running inside a Docker container within my homelab. I need to create better logging and implement some sort of logging server so that I can better handle errors as well as monitoring in case of any outages.

    If you have questions about building Discord bots or AWS and its various components feel free to reach out to me at any time. This was a great project that I worked on over a few days and it was great to see it come together quickly!