Tag: python3

  • A Dynamo Data Migration Tool

    A Dynamo Data Migration Tool

    Have you ever wanted to migrate data from one Dynamo DB table to another? I haven’t seen an AWS tool to do this so I wrote one using Python. The process is pretty simple. First, we get all of our data from our source table. We store this in a list. Next, we iterate over…

  • Querying and Editing a Single Dynamo Object

    I have a workflow that creates a record inside of a DynamoDB table as part of a pipeline within AWS. The record has a primary key of the Code Pipeline job. Later in the pipeline I wanted to edit that object to append the status of resources created by this pipeline. In order to do…

  • EC2 Action Slack Notification

    I took a brief break from my Lambda function creation journey to go on vacation but, now i’m back! This function will notify a Slack channel of your choosing when an EC2 instance enters “Starting, Stopping, Stopped, or Shutting-Down” status. I thought this might be useful for instances that reside under a load balancer. It…

  • Lambda Function Post to Slack

    I wrote this script out of a need to practice my Python skills. The idea is that if a file gets uploaded to an S3 bucket then the function will trigger and a message with that file name will be posted to a Slack channel of your choosing. To utilize this you will need to…

  • Automatically Transcribing Audio Files with Amazon Web Services

    Automatically Transcribing Audio Files with Amazon Web Services

    I wrote this Lambda function to automatically transcribe audio files that are uploaded to an S3 bucket. This is written in Python3 and utilizes the Boto3 library. You will need to give your Lambda function permissions to access S3, Transcribe and CloudWatch. The script will create an AWS Transcribe job with the format: ‘filetranscription’+YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS I…