Amazon S3 Backup from FreeNAS

I was chatting with my Dad about storage for his documents. He mentioned wanting to store them on my home NAS. I chuckled and stated that I would just push them up to the cloud because it would be cheaper and more reliable. When I got home that day I thought to myself how I would actually complete this task.

There are plenty of obvious tools to accomplish offsite backup. I want to push all of my home videos and pictures to an S3 bucket in my AWS environment. I could:

  1. Mount the S3 bucket using the drivers provided by AWS and then RSYNC the data across on a cron job.
  2. Utilize a FreeNAS plugin to drive the backup
  3. Build my own custom solution to the problem and re-invent the wheel!

It is clear the choice is going to be 3.

With the help of the Internet and I put together a simple Python script that will backup my data. I can then run this on a cron job to upload the files periodically. OR! I could Dockerize the script and then run it as a container! Queue more overkill.

The result is something complicated for a simple backup task. But I like it and it works for my environments. One of the most important things is that I can point the script at one directory that houses many Symlinks to other directories so I only have to manage one backup point.

Take a look at the GitHub link below and let me know your thoughts!



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