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Category: Amazon Web Services
AWS CLI For CPU Credit Balance
Here is how you create a CloudWatch alarm to monitor CPU Credit Balances less than a certain amount: aws cloudwatch put-metric-alarm –alarm-name YOUR NAME HERE–alarm-description “Alarm when CPU Credits is below 200” –metric-name CPUCreditBalance –namespace AWS/EC2 –statistic Average –period 300 –threshold 200 –comparison-operator LessThanThreshold –dimensions Name=InstanceId,Value=INSTANCEIDHERE –evaluation-periods 2 –alarm-actions ARN:YOURSNSTOPIC CloudFormation Template:
Encrypt an Existing EBS Volume
Say you have an existing EBS volume on Amazon Web Services that you wanted to encrypt. How would you do that? The following guide shows you how to do so via the AWS Management Console. Login to your console. Navigate to the the EBS Volume you would like to encrypt 3. Right click on your…
AWS Backup
Recently Amazon Web Services announced its new service called AWS Backup. The goal is to create a simple, automated backup solution for resources within the AWS Cloud. There have been plenty of other solutions out there for backups but most are quite costly. Here is a look at the pricing for the AWS Backup solution:…
The Security Specialty Certification
Today I sat the AWS Security Specialty Exam. While I didn’t pass I thought to provide some commentary on the experience in relation to the training that I sought out to assist myself in the process. I have been a big fan of ACloudGuru. They helped me pass my Solutions Architect exam last year so naturally,…
AWS Summit 2018 – Recap
This was my second year attending Amazon Web Services Summit. Both times I have headed down to Chicago for a few days to network, learn, and get excited about new AWS developments. This year, the summit was scheduled for only one day. Being that the summit started early in the morning I decided I was…