Product Name Detection with AWS Bedrock & Anthropic Claude

Well, my AWS bill me a bit larger than normal this month due to testing this script. I thoroughly enjoy utilizing Generative AI to do work for me and I had some spare time to tackle this problem this week.

A client sent me a bunch of product images that were not named properly. All of the files were named something like “IMG_123.jpeg”. There was 63 total files so I decided rather than going through them one by one I would see if I could get one of Anthropic’s models to handle it for me and low and behold it was very successful!

I scripted out the workflow in Python and utilized AWS Bedrock’s platform to execute the interactions with the Claude 3 Haiku model. Take a look at the code below to see how this was executed.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("Processing images")
    files = os.listdir("photos")
    for file in files:
        if file.endswith(".jpeg"):
            print(f"Sending {file} to Bedrock")
            with open(f"photos/{file}", "rb") as photo:

                prompt = f"""
                    Looking at the image included, find and return the name of the product. 
                    1. Return only the product name that has been determined.
                    2. Do not include any other text in your response like "the product determined..."
                model_response = bedrock_actions.converse(
                product_name = modify_product_name(model_response['output']['message']['content'][0]['text'])
                if os.system(f"cp photos/{file} renamed_photos/{product_name}.jpeg") != 0:
                    print("failed to move file")
                    os.system(f"mv photos/{file} finished/{file}")

The code will loop through all the files in a folder called “photos” passing each one to Bedrock and getting a response. There was a lot of characters that were returned that would either break the script or that are just not needed so I also wrote a function to handle those.

Ultimately, the script will copy the photo to a file named after the product and then move the original file into a folder called “finished”.

I’ve uploaded the code to GitHub and you can utilize it however you want!



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